Academic Integrity is the foundation of education, but the growing absence of it has seen a sharp rise in student cheating in classrooms. A global menace, academic misconducts have been linked directly to lack of workplace professionalism and ethics.
We are excited to announce an Ignite Integrity (I2) Spring Camp, the first camp of its kind in the region, that takes place during Spring break in the UAE.
Based on a transitional module developed by Dr Zeenath Reza Khan, the three-day spring camp has been conceptualised to create, promote and enrich the student community in the UAE and to help increase awareness and interest towards academic integrity in order to assist school students to experience a smooth transition into higher education.
The camp is only a beginning. It aims to arm students with valuable skills in academic writing, referencing, understanding and developing sense of integrity so that they may be certified as Academic Integrity Ambassadors for their schools and peers – a highly regarded skill-set that will add significant value towards their college applications, higher education and beyond.